So I am totally obsessed with Amy Butler fabric! I am in love with her style, she has such fun and funky patterns, reminiscent of the 70's with a modern twist. The possibilities are endless what you can use these fabrics for whether it be clothing or curtains. Although the fabric is a little pricey starting anywhere from $8 a yard and up, you can still make great projects with just a couple yards of fabric. I'm thinking of working on a future project involving a couple yards of yummy amy butler fabric, hmmm now i just have to convince my sister in-law to help me sew some stuff.
My first official posting in blog land, how exciting, how thrilling, how... nerve racking? I must admit writing a blog is no easy task, its pretty intimidating in fact. From coming up with a concept, to designing a background, or a header. A couple months ago if somebody had asked me what a widget, or a gadget was i probably would have given them a dirty look. But now that i'm settling into the blogosphere, I can tell it's going to be a match made in heaven. Ok, maybe a somewhat dysfunctional one for now, at least while i'm still learning the ropes. But I'm excited to share with you my journey of decorating, renovating, painting,landscaping, d.i.y.-ing, our first home on a budget. Because it doesn't have to be expensive to look good.