Thursday, April 5, 2012


This poor little baby of mine is in the midst of her fifth cold since being born. 5! I guess that's the result of being born in the midst of cold and flu season. That and being the youngest, always picking up the crud from the older kids.   


  1. I have some organic ginger root if you're interested. I love that stuff!

  2. Do I qualify as a hippy friend??? I take emergencee which you can use while breast feeding and I really think it has helped Landon not get the crud. Kevin and CLark have had the sickness at least once a month for 4 months but Landon and I have only caught it once. The tropical and tangerine flavors are the best, they taste more like juice than vitamins:) Get better sweet Zooey!!!

  3. yes! I feel awful, they say you are suppose to pass on "good" stuff to your baby when breastfeeding to help fight off this junk but apparently, i failed. We are both sick :( and on day 3 of waking up every hour, hour and half is leaving me frazzled and stressed since bryan is leaving monday!



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