Friday, December 9, 2011

You know you're not ready for zumba when...

1.  you forget a water bottle and have to ask your friends for sips of water off of there's

2. you thank God they keep the lights dim in class  

3. you should have stuck it out in dance class in third grade, it could have really come in handy in the rhythm department

4. you don't have moves like Jagger

5. you've been limping all week because you messed up your knee doing rhythmic squats

6. you have no idea how you made the dance team when you were 15, pity it had to have been pity

7. your hair tie fails you during class and you have to keep putting your hair up while making it look like you're still "dancing"

8. you wished you would have done more kegels, if you had known there were going to be that many hip thrusts and booty shakes

9. you know if your husband saw you doing it he would be on the floor laughing until he cries, I know I would

10. you don't care, and will do it over and over again until you fit into those darn pre-pregnancy jeans that sit mocking you on the top shelf of you're closet

1 comment:

  1. Havent tried Zumba yet but all I know is that I no longer have my 17 year old dancing body and I am sure I would look like a utter fool. Have fun with your friends though. That is truly the best way to exercise. Just think of the memories!



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